I went to Winslow Farm Animal Sanctuary. They are an awesome place that rescues animals. I walked down a path of bricks which had a metal stove burning wood. Then as I walked along further there was a huge fire with benches around to relax. That’s where I first met Mrs. Turtles.
Mrs. Turtles is a cat with one leg missing, who is half-blind. She is very sweet despite her injuries. All the animals at this farm have been abused, forgotten or abandoned. They are actually taking in animals, rather than saying “Well, we might not have enough room for all these animals.” In fact, they have taken in 183 animals!
They have emu, wild birds, cats (over fifty), goats, sheep, dogs, pigs, alpacas, horses, miniature horses, donkeys, miniature donkeys and other animals that I can’t remember right now.
It costs this farm over a thousand dollars in food alone each day. Mommy suggested that I go to various stores and ask for donations. My first thought was that I wouldn’t get too much, because I felt that stores wouldn’t like to donate, because they want big money.
First we practiced in the car, about three times. I learned how to ask for donations from Mommy. Then we went to our first store, Trader Joes, and I forgot to ask for a donations manager first. But the lady at the cash register was very nice and she let me ring the bell to get the manager. It turned out that that lady also wasn’t a manager and said we’d need to wait until next week for the other manager to arrive. But since we were only staying another week, that wouldn’t work out. So, Mommy suggested that a little donation would be awesome, so they gave us three cans of cat food.
Then we went to a different store and they gave us nothing. Then we went to Ace Hardware and they gave us two humongous bags of cat food, one 20 pound bag of wild bird seed and two ginormous bags of wood pellets (used for warming the cat shelter when it gets really cold in the winter). We also visited Roche Brothers, who gave us a $25 gift certificate.
It felt amazing to get that much that much stuff! We had so much stuff that we just went to the farm to drop it all off. I wanted to go out and do more right then, but Mommy said that we could get more donations the next day, so I went to bed. The next day we brought Serena and Cole with us to a few more stores. We spent about five hours driving around to get donations.
We got three boxes of cat food, two big cases full of canned cat food, one giant bag of dog food, wild bird seed, wood pellets and a few other things. We dropped all that stuff off, but stayed a bit and walked around. It was like an Easter egg hunt, with good eggs (animals who wouldn’t let you touch them, but that you could look at), awesome eggs (animals you could pet, but wouldn’t sit on your lap), super good eggs (cats that would sit on your lap) and Golden Eggs (cats that couldn’t stand being an inch off your lap!).
It feels amazing to help all these animals! When I walk into the farm I know that I actually helped feed a lot of animals by getting people to donate. I’d like to do a lot more and plan to go out today, too.
If you’d like to know more about Winslow Farms, here’s their website! Stay tuned for my next blog article!
Camille, you are incredible! You did an amazing job helping all those animals, and I know they will not forget your kindness. What a gal you are!
Love, Merry
Thank you! Mommy said we might be able to go back one more time before Thanksgiving!
I’m so glad you write often on your blog. How wonderful of you to get donations
for the animals. I was surprised to find out that Mrs.Turtles was a cat. I love all the pictures, and look forward to seeing more pictures of you and Serena and Cole.
Love, Grandma